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HomeMembership Benefits

Membership Benefits

How does membership works?

  • Unlimited flying classes.
  • Please contact for more info 305.801.4676


  • Requirements:
  1.  Must show up to class for which registered. if you do not show up, you must pay a $10 'no-show' fee before being able to register for another class. This prevents members from registering multiple classes, filling up space others wanted and then not showing up.
  • Benefits:
  1. Unlimited classes per month. One class per day, please, unless there is available space, then take as many classes per day as you wish.
  2. Flight School: Unlimited daily training (catches included) at no additional cost
  3. Unlimited Silks open sessions (1 hr sessions and must qualify by taking at least 5 classes and demonstrate basic climbing and safety skills).
Register as member here . (After you signup as member but before submitting your payment, please contact us for a link to submit your payment)